
Was kann und darf Künstliche Intelligenz?

Ein Plädoyer für Digitalen Humanismus

"Cancel Culture"

Ende der Aufklärung?
Ein Plädoyer für eigenständiges denken

"Warum sich unsere Zukunft in den Schulen entscheidet"

"A Theory of Practical Reason"

"For a Humane Transformation of Democracy, Economy and Culture in the Digital Age"

Erotischer Humanismus

„Zur Philosophie der Geschlechterbeziehung“

Die Realität des Risiko

„Über den vernünftigen Umgang mit Gefahren“


"Humanism" is a concept steeped in history whose roots are to be sought in the Renaissance period of flourishing of the arts. Those who call themselves humanist thinkers believe that at the center of philosophical interests should be the understanding and cultivation of human dignity.

Eine Theorie praktischer Vernunft

The burden of proof is on those who argue a thesis that is difficult to reconcile with lifeworld beliefs.


Die gefährdete Rationalität der Demokratie

The debates about populism are dominated by concerns about the brutalization of the tone and the shifting of the boundaries of what can be said. Overlooked are the dangers posed by the creeping erosion of democratic institutions. Julian Nida-Rümelin analyzes the situation and offers guidance for a consolidated political practice.

Structural Rationality and other Essays

In this book, the author shows that it is necessary to enrich the conceptual frame of the theory of rational choice beyond consequentialism. He argues that consequentialism as a general theory of rational action fails and that this does not force us into the dichotomy teleology vs deontology.

Digitaler Humanismus

Autonomous individual transport and care robots, software-controlled customer correspondence and social media, Big Data economics and Clever Bots, Industry 4.0: digitization has enormous economic, but also cultural and ethical effects. Bridging the gap between philosophy and science fiction, this book develops the philosophical foundations of a Digital Humanism, for which the distinction between human thought, feeling and action on the one hand and software-controlled, algorithmic processes on the other is central. An alternative to Silicon Valley ideology, for which artificial intelligence threatens to become a substitute for religion.

Unaufgeregter Realismus

The widespread contemporary anti-realism in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences, in cultural institutions, in the feuilletons and in educated circles is an expression of an intellectual crisis. The realism for which Julian Nida-Rümelin pleads opposes intellectual confusions that show themselves as accompanying phenomena of this intellectual crisis.

Über Grenzen denken

Over two billion people worldwide live in abject poverty, suffering from hopelessness, hunger, oppression and war. More than 65 million of them were refugees last year alone, and many people around the world are hoping for a better life in Europe or North America. So help is urgently needed - but are open borders the right answer to the misery in the world?

Humanistische Reflexionen

Even if a nation's economic practices had no influence on the living conditions of distant groups of people - which is probably true only in the rarest of cases today - there is not only the individual, but also the political and moral obligation to support people on the basis of equal respect when they are in danger of starving, for example.

Die Optimierungsfalle

Is a sustainable and humane economy mere utopia? Is there an alternative to crisis-prone financial capitalism?

Julian Nida-Rümelin, one of the leading philosophers of our time, astutely and constructively criticizes our ailing economic system. He conveys the philosophical basis of a humane economy in a way that is true to life and easy to understand. In doing so, he exposes the irrationality of an irresponsible economic order that is purely concerned with optimization.

Philosophie humaner Bildung

The German education crisis is not only one of institutions, it is primarily one of ideas. Everywhere, only the symptoms are being treated, with the well-known consequences: Everyone involved is overwhelmed, the teachers, the parents, the children anyway, even the politicians. The cardinal error is that the current educational reforms lack a cultural guiding idea. "Employability" is the order of the day instead. But an education that only ever wants to make people "fit for" something, that does not ask about their interests and talents, will not even bring the dreamed-of market success. "Philosophy of a Humane Education" provides the impetus for a new social understanding of what education means: for us, for our future, our image of man.

Der Sokrates Club

An orientation for parents, grandparents, teachers who want to philosophize with children Like all parents of bright children, de authors have been repeatedly confronted with philosophical questions, for example: What is just or what does it mean to know something?


The rational management of action situations with uncertain consequences is a ubiquitous topic in modern societies. Starting from a critique of the prevailing paradigms in dealing with risk, this volume develops a risk ethics that also takes into account individual rights and justice. This is done on the basis of a clear conceptual analysis as well as by drawing on insights from modern decision theory. In addition, the political relevance of this risk-ethical conception is explained by means of a contract-theoretical concretization.

Der Akademisierungswahn

German education policy is on the wrong track: vocational training is being neglected. In turn, academic education is becoming increasingly arbitrary and shallow. Recognition of and respect for the dual education system, which is the envy of Germany throughout the world, are dwindling more and more. With clear words and unambiguous facts, Julian Nida-Rümelin shows how dangerous the current trend toward academization is, which will ultimately damage both vocational and academic education.

Kritik des Konsequentialismus

Sensibly, one does what has the best consequences. This seemingly trivial correct thesis is wrong. Why it is wrong is shown in this book.

Trilogie über Rationalität, Freiheit und Verantwortung
